Our Dearest Arturo:

We miss you very much too!! We cannot survive the sound of the whipped cream can spraying all over without thoughts of you. Jared is lost without someone to bug in the mornings, and Derek has not been downstairs to play PS3 for the week (as it should be). There is a big empty spot at the end of the bed when watching TV that no one is ready to claim yet. SO.......................................

what are you doing.......

Tonight is music night, and for some reason it is painful since Jared is trying to learn the Simpsons song for the talent show. OWWW... OWW... both guitar and drums. I think that is the part that hurts the most.

I am both happy and sad to hear that you miss Canada. I am happy that you are home with your family, but sad that you feel sad for missing Canada. We don't really notice any difference with Canada and the US, so sometimes it is hard for us to understand you missing being here.... no more snow flakes for some time now.... we hope. FYI. This past week has been over 27 each day. The pool is definitely warm enough. What is it you miss. I am sure the food is good and more salty at home.

Were you able to still use your Ipod Card from here?? If you are missing the list of the songs that you wanted, no worries, since we still have the list here. We will keep it until you let us know that you have successfully changed your account over.

Jared said that some of the students were asking about you this week. They are all hoping that you are now doing well back at home.

Your bathroom (on Jared's side) is still a mess, and it will be some time before we are able to clean up your room. It is as though you are still in there, and we do not want to intrude on your 'space' (big quotes here"""""). We did however, find the shirt that you left outside when going for a swim on Friday night (the red and blue stripped one and a pair of $#@% mixed into the regular laundry. Hopefully you were able to correct the other laundry problems that we had..... hint..... hint...... hint..... help me here

Jared is anxious to set up the account with you so that you can video chat. Please send good directions since we have never done that before. When we fix this account, you cathen walk through the things you miss, and show your parent some of the other parts of life here that you miss the most...... ohhh the sound of whipped cream.... I am sure that ) once you and Jared start the video messaging up again, that he would be most interested in chatting with some of the other students (Camilo, Juaro?? Gabriel, and the girls).

We would love to hear from you again. We have a slow sports week with some extra time, so please write. Can you copy us to all of the email address included above so that we can all hear from you.

Miss you lots....

All of us.. the Naars

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